Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Five Bar Association Rules for Governing Client Finance

Affordability, Compliance and Exceptional Customer Care are the foundation of our Legal Fee Lending platform.

Bar compliance is always of the utmost importance when a legal firm is looking to provide retainer financing to their clients. Our Legal Fee Lending program complies with all 5 of the Bar Association's governing rules of client finance.

No Compulsion To Perform - Lender must have no oversight role over an attorney's representation of a client; there can be "No Recourse" to the attorney of any funds received. - All loans on our platform are 100% Non Recourse.

No Limitation of Choice of Attorney - The attorney can not be funded in a manner that compels a client to work only with that attorney and so limits choice. - All loans are made directly to the borrower without restriction as to use of funds. Borrower is free to use funds as they wish.

No Compensation Other Than Collection Of Legal Fees - Attorney may not receive compensation in any form beyond receipt of their legal fees and recovery of actual costs (such as credit card fees) as a result of the transaction. All costs to the consumer are paid exclusively to the lender and not compounded by also paying a broker fee to provide a service to the firm. - ePay Management, LLC is not a broker and we receive no compensation from the borrower nor the lender in any form whatsoever.

Arm's Length Transaction - Attorney may have no formal or informal relationship with the lender. - Our company is not a lender nor broker and functions solely as a concierge for client by providing a group of competing lenders otherwise unavailable except as each lender appears individually and independently online. Client firms have no relationship of any nature with its platform lenders.

Fair Market Pricing - Attorney must assure the reasonable expectation a potential client will receive treatment consistent with "Fair Market Pricing" from any referred source. - Fair market pricing is assured by the competitive nature of our platform - multiple lenders place their best possible offers based on the applicant's credit profile and debt-to-income ratio consistent with each lender's underwriting criteria. Client has the ability to choose from multiple offers in many cases.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions or concerns.